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Activities are organized to enliven the visit of each.

In addition to the traditional inauguration, professional  entertainment are  available for  all  visitors.

Try more than one hundred vehicles in 4 days!

Autocar Expo allows all drivers visitors to test the latest models, or the ones they have identified during these 4 days of the show.

A unique place to observe, compare, try and adopt the ideal vehicle. Builders are present and make available more than 100 buses for vehicle dynamic tests throughout the day.


Take part in the inauguration!

The event will be inaugurated by local officials and referent contributors of the coach sector . The delegation will tour the trade fair to meet the present exhibitors and visitors. Innovations and new developments will be presented and the ribbon will be cut during public speeches.

At the evening of the first day, a cocktail will be offered to all exhibitors and visitors still present to share a drink and start the 8th edition of Autocar Expo.


An event at the initiative of :